Tuesday, March 24, 2020

70 Nigerian soldiers lost their lives in ambush

Atleast 70 Nigerian soldiers were killed in an ambush on their way by the insurgents Borno state.
The insurgents fired rocket propelled grenades at the lorry carrying troops as they traveled near Gorgi village in the state.
The attack was severe and it cost the lives of 70 soldiers in the ambush.
The terrorists specifically aimed at the truck which was loaded with soldiers and weapons, apart from the soldiers that were killed some have 

been taken as captives by the terrorists. ISWAP have claimed the responsibility of the attack.

Friday, March 20, 2020

7 Reasons why Boko Haram is yet to be Crushed

1. Military Corruption
Many high ranking officers saw it as an avenue to become an over Knight billionaires and the more the war  continues the more money they get.

2. Unwillingness to lunch attack on Boko Haram positions
The Boko Haram were positioned in the forest that is just over 100km away from the army headquarter in the northeast yet they behaved as if the terrorists are thousands of km away from them. Only Boko Haram conduct raid on soldiers.

3. Distrust between the officers and rank & files of the army
Most of the soldiers don't trust their officers because they claimed that whenever they  are on patrol and they came across Boko Haram their officers always stops them from confronting them saying they have no orders to do that from headquarters

4. Lack of political will from the leaders
Politicians lack the political will to bring an end of terrorists because the terrorists have God fathers in the high positions so any call that would  caused the downfall of the terrorists would be  automatically dismissed.

5. Misinformation
In today's war against Boko Haram misinformation is the order of the day that is what the commanders enjoys feeding the public with, that is also what the commander in chief enjoys hearing. No fedaral government official has ever come to hear from victims just because they would say the truth.

6. No modern weapons
There is no modern weapons in this warfare and had it been that the army are using modern weapons in this warfare it would have been the game changer because Boko Haram can only use old modern weapons

7.Absence of technology and intelligence gathering
There is absence of technology and intelligence gathering in this warfare this is an evidence that the securities never want it to end  because for the money to continue coming the war must continue. There is no successful war without successful intelligence gathering

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The governor of Borno state expresses his displeasure on the way Nigerian army are reluctantly fighting Boko Haram

The governor have questioned the way Nigerian army is fighting Boko
Haram, the governor see no reason why soldiers should wait for the terrorists to attack them first because locations of Boko Haram camps is known to every body.

He said had it been that the army is attacking the positions of Boko Haram first the terrorists would have been eliminated but relaxing and waiting for the terrorists to attack first before hoping to repel them have never prove productive to securities.

How a sex worker escaped from captivity of Boko Haram

Zulai was a sex worker that works in Kasuwan Fara, one day she came to the brothel for business then a soldier called her and told her that he want her for a Knight she agree and enter the military motor.

The soldier started moving the motor it was a long Journey he droved her out of the town  and continue driving towards the bush then Zulai complained.
"Sir where is your home" 
Then he told her.   "Not to worry it would not take us long to arrived.

The soldier then asked her how much does she charge then she told him that she charge #2000 for knight but he kept driving her deep in the forest until when they arrived deep in the forest before he stopped the motor and chased her out of the motor before he drove away.

This forest is called Sambisa forest the most dangerous forest in Nigeria because Boko Haram terrorists are staying there. She started trying to get back by foot although she was 150km away from town she didn't even walk up to 5km before she came across five Boko Haram terrorists In the forest they immediately rape her one by one but the fifth Boko Haram member told the rest that he would not take part in the rape.

After raping her they told Zulai that she is now their captive and they instructed her to follow them she have no option she started following them deep into the forest until they went to there càmp.

In the morning she woke up, sitting to her surprised she saw some sex workers received payment and left but she is not allowed to leave.

In the Knight the terrorists were given orders to move to their main camp, the Boko Haram member that refused to take part in raping her came and told her secretly that he would help her to escape.

In the Knight almost five trucks were line up for their journey the sex worker was put in one of the trucks then the young man climb and stay with her before the trucks started moving when the trucks came to where there are many trees then he raised her up to hold branch of tree that is how the trucks passed and that is how she was saved.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

This is My World


This is My World

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